Light ‘em Up GO, the global cigar application has been officially launched
Reinhard Pohorec - the man behind this great project
Light ‘em Up GO, the state-of-the-art cigar web-app has been created to serve the global cigar community, helping passionate cigar aficionados and new epicures to find the best places to smoke, make educated purchasing decisions – virtually and physically – and foster the camaraderie amongst the family of the leaf.
The application is free but invite only, so fellow cigar friends can share their token and invite their companions to Providing a personalized and highly experiential user journey, Light ‘em Up GO sets out to be a game changer for the global cigar industry, supporting and respecting the tradition, heritage and true nature of this unique ecosystem, all-the-whilst offering disruptive new pathways and challenging the status quo of community and communication.
“Let us help you with the best places to buy and enjoy handmade premium cigars, to connect you with brothers and sisters of the leaf all around the globe, and to make you experience this exceptional cigar world! We want you to miss out less on what you enjoy the most”- Reinhard Pohorec, co-founder and host of Light ‘em Up.
Global map with all info for cigar aficionados
All info about global cigar activities on the one place
Light ‘em Up GO provides easy access answers to the most pressing questions:
- where we meet?
- where we smoke?
- where we buy?
Light ‘em Up GO maps lounges, cigar-friendly places, and shops around the globe with specific tags e.g., walk-in humidor, serves alcohol, and private lockers. Users of the app can recommend each spot via short voice messages and create a list of their favorite cigar spots by bookmarking those spots, adding them to their profile.
The web-app also includes a cigar event calendar! Online lounges, podcasts, YouTube shows and more, aggregated in the user’s time zone for easy access. So passionados know what’s on at every given time of the day – because nobody wants to smoke alone.
To foster the camaraderie, users can also host “herfs” themselves that show up on the map (or if hosted virtually in the list of online events) – sort of like a book club for cigar enthusiasts. This way, Light ‘em Up GO also enables B&Ms the unique opportunity to reach their customers in new ways by hosting and communicating herfs regularly.New features are constantly being released, as the app will grow organically, together with its strong community. After a successful test phase of the app, the Light ‘em Up community has already thousands of members. To get an invitation code members have to be asked personally.
About Light em Up: Reinhard Pohorec, founder of Light ‘em Up has developed the brand into one of the most respected voices in the cigar industry and a leading community for cigar lovers worldwide. The weekly live show Light ‘em Up Lounge has gathered more than 1.5 million viewers over the past one and a half years and was awarded Cigar Ambassador 2020 at the prestigious Cigar Trophy Awards – the Oscars of the industry – and Best Virtual Cigar Lounge 2021. Learn more on