What were the RP CSWC cigar's records in 2022, and what can we expect from it in season 2023?
Greek competitors lined up with perfect start on their competition cigars
Season 2023 is upon us, and it is intriguing to observe the performance of Rocky Patel competition cigar in 2022, and to try to predict what can be expected from it in the new upcoming season.
We made these cigars with special care, not only from a construction or burning standpoint, which is critical for competition, but we also created this cigar to be a super tasty cigar in what we succeeded. Excellent ratings and reviews attested to this.- Rocky Patel, founder of Rocky Patel cigars
We can say that the season 2022 was the best for the Rocky Patel competition cigar - a new best time is set, and results in the Grand Final were significantly improved over Grand Final 2021. Times among the TOP 20 list of the 2022 season have also been moved up. - So, yes, season 2022 for CSWC competition cigar was the best ever - but was this due to cigar aging or better and experience and knowledge of competitors on the new competition Rocky Patel cigar?
Sometimes, competition cigars as handmade product can have technical issues, but that is also part of the excitement of the CSWC Challange
Perfect ash on one of the pre - qualification rounds on the CSWC in Italy
Our experts believe it is both, and both elements have a significant impact on the final time. For certain, competitors learn more about the competition cigar through trainings, time chase events, and competitions, and they gain more knowledge and experience, resulting in better overall times. But, do cigars have an impact? We believe so, but not in the amount that competitors' experience and skills do. Rocky Patel CSWC cigars are becoming more aged and technically balanced, as well as more stable and consistent. However, that is not enough to achieve results greater than 2 hours of smoking without competitor skills.
Famous photographer from LA Jadran Lazic monitoring time on big screen while he keeping his cigar and ash stady
CSWC Rocky patel cigars, lined up in the wooden boxes of ten, protected all the time with Boveda 72 % humidify pillows
World Champion is in the same time record holder on the new RP CSWC Cigar with 3h19min
Season 2023 will be very interesting from this vantage point. Competitors are gradually preparing for the season, which will begin in May and last until the middle of August. Sure, there will be a lot of focus on the smoking times of the season, but also on the accomplishments of the competitors and what they can do this season- let's see what times this Rocky Patel cigar can provide in its third season.
Records for CSWC RP cigars in 2022 in comparison with season 2021 is that avarage smoking time increase for 2min and 32 seconds, and max smoking time increase for 1 minute and 28 seconds - full numbers check here
Rocky Patel himself, ceremonially cutting his RP CSWC cigar as official start of the Grand Final