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USA SEASON ANNOUCED  -Rocky Patel Takes CSWC US to the Next Level 

USA SEASON 2023 - Rocky Patel Takes CSWC US to the Next Level with Simultaneous Qualifications!

by CSWC AMBASSADOR Pierre Gustavsson

Rocky Patel with USA finalist on the USA final 2023 in one of his Burn lounges

Pioneer of premium cigars, Rocky Patel, steps up the US qualifiers for the Cigar Smoking World Championship (CSWC) by debuting a unique, simultaneous event format at five Burn locations nationwide. Contestants have a single opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in the art of slow smoking on July 23rd, 7 pm EST, across Burn lounges located in Naples, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Oklahoma City, and Pittsburgh. Winners from each location will compete in the US final in Atlanta on August 6th for a chance to represent the US in the Grand Finale in Croatia.

We are very excited to host the US qualifiers for the CSWC at our Burn locations. We want to offer our guests a unique and exclusive experience that combines luxury, fun, and competition. We also want to support and promote the art of slow smoking, which is a passion for us and many cigar lovers around the world. We invite everyone who enjoys cigars and wants to challenge themselves to join us on July 23rd and be part of this amazing event.” - Rocky Patel, CEO  Rocky Patel cigars

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That was shock  - Drew Andrew and Rocky Patel shows at amazing winning time of Andrew on USA FINAL


Big USA slow smoking players - Boston Jimmy and Rayan Janus on the USA final 2021

Burn by Rocky Patel, established in Naples, Florida, in 2010, is a distinctive evolution in cigar lounges offering a unique blend of fine cigars, premium spirits, exquisite cuisine, and entertainment. The flagship lounge has expanded to thriving locations in Pittsburgh, Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, and Atlanta, each offering a distinctive ambiance tailored to the local area, attracting a diverse crowd of luxury seekers.
Rocky Patel expressed his excitement for hosting the CSWC US qualifiers at Burn locations, emphasizing the fusion of luxury, fun, and competition. Encouraging cigar enthusiasts and those seeking a challenge to join in the exciting event on July 23rd. The CSWC US qualifiers promise an exciting blend of seasoned and emerging talent. Among the contestants is the reigning American champion, Andrew Emch, famed for his record-breaking time of 3:19:24 last season. His remarkable endurance and consistent performances have made him a favorite for this year's Grand Finale.


Dalton Wayne, promising talent from USA


One of the biggest names of CSWC of all times


Mose Ramiah, after his first win in Nashville 2018

Cigar community legend and former world champion Darren Cioffi remains a hot topic. Although he hasn't actively competed since 2019, Cioffi's record of victories and influence still resonate. The cigar community awaits eagerly for any hint of his potential return.
Boston Jimmy, a veteran smoker and the creative force behind Stogie Press, consistently ranks high in the US qualifiers, proving his skill and passion. Dalton Wayne, a promising young talent, aims for redemption after a less than impressive debut in the Grand Finale, while seasoned smoker Mose Ramiah, ranked 16th on the world ranking all-time list, is eager to bounce back after last year's challenging season.

Newcomers Fred Revey and Frank Potozack, who joined the competition last year, have shown great promise. Revey secured second place in two pre-qualification events, while Potozack impressed with a strong third-place finish. Both are keen to elevate their performance this year and challenge the top contenders. This year's CSWC US qualifiers will undoubtedly offer an exciting display of skill, endurance, and passion.
In the end, the CSWC US qualifiers will be an exciting battleground showcasing a blend of seasoned professionals, emerging talent, and passionate newcomers, all with the common goal of mastering the art of slow smoking. Their collective dedication, determination, and passion will ignite a fierce competition, elevating the very essence of this luxurious pastime to new heights.

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