The CSWC Grand Final is one of the largest international cigar club summits and a yearly gathering of the international global cigar community.
Rocky Patel confirmed his presence on the Grand Final 2022
It's that time of year again, when the global cigar community, friends, and cigar family from all over the world gather in that small old Roman city that has been breading and living the mediteranenan energy life for over 2000 years. It is an ideal location for the most incredible gathering, where sun and sea are spectators on that Adriatic stage where old friends meet and new friendships are formed. And all of this with the excitement of the CSWC challenge, which brought the world the best of what it has - experience and friendship.
There is a whole range of feelings that take me and my CSWC team every year when the Grand Final is approaching - it is difficult to describe, it is euphoria, it is excitement, it is love, it is another state of heart and mind, but also jitters and nervousness, a little touch of fear because of the huge responsibility and expectations that the me and CSWC team created from ourselves in deep desire to please all our friends and guests who are coming from all over the world.- Marko Bilic, CSWC Founder
From the black tie Grand Finale... the full relaxation on the Sunday boat trip
CSWc is a huge global family, and many loyal and important CSWC and Club Mareva friends are coming back in happines, for the first time since COVID times to the Split, on the Grand Final in the way it was. Petteri Patijas from Finland, Eric Kyle and Alex Larien from the United States, Philip Kugler, Patricia Benden, Martina Klainlagel from Germany, Toby Brocklehurst from the United Kingdom,Kolja Kukuk from Rocky Patel cigars, Veiko Tamm from Estonia, Oleg Pedan and many more from around the world are on their way to this yearly gathering of the cigar CSWC family which every year bond us more and more with creation of the new unforgettable memories.
Pettero Patijas and Sonia Campoli
Benjamin Patock from Boveda
Pierre Jourdan from Les Fines Lames
Our loyal partners, including Pierre Jourdan of Les Fines Lames, Benny Patock of Boveda, Rocky Patel of Rocky Patel cigars, Sonia Campoli and Massimo Rossi of St Dupont, Anastasia Lukanova of St Dupont, Reinhold Widemayer of Cigar Journal, and many others who have become more than CSWc partners - true family - will all be present to celebrate the CSWC experience and friendship through the same passion for cigars. Entertaining will be full of energy because it will be provided by CSWC friends - Matt and Julie from the UK - Belle Roscoe - famous musicians who will perform some of their new singles and send the CSWC audience into ecstasy. DJ Matthew Bee, a Club Mareva member and CSWC star, will awaken and spend the last atoms of dancing energy of each CSWC guest - with some surprises in store for this Grand Final from his side.
All in all, there is only one conclusion - GET READY FOR THE CSWC GRAND FINAL 2022!!
DJ Matthew Bee - ready to spend last atom of dancing energy in each guest
Belle Roscoe - musicians from UK who will bring all guests to the ecstasy