CSWC Diamond Leaf awards as wish to honor people who devote a significant amount of their time and efforts to promote, organise and support the CSWC concept
CSWC Diamon Leaf award - the shape of the diamond cigar leaf
The Grand Finale in Split is the cherry on the top of our CSWC cake. After a very busy, but successful competitive season 2022., after the Grand Finale is over in its most important competing part, we get to breathe a little bit and spend some relaxing moments with our friends who come to Split from all over the world. Some of whom have been with us for over a decade!
To show our gratitude and appreciation, some years ago we established Mareva Diamond Leaf Awards in two categories: Mareva Diamond Leaf for the best Qualification event and Mareva Diamond Leaf for the best CSWC Ambassador, or as we call it „Best Friend of the Club Mareva ''. Both of these categories honor people who devote a significant amount of their time and efforts to promote and support the CSWC concept, as well as those who organize unique CSWC competition experiences through the organization of the CSWC qualification events. - Ivan Mazuranic, CSWC honorable vice president
Amazing man - Gino Rossano Iannillo - Ambassador 2021
Mark Renard - STG - Ambassador 2019 with Ivan Mazuranic
Club Mareva decided on a stunning diamond-like tick glass trophy in the shape of a tobacco leaf, which represents two things: people who are valuable to us as diamonds and tobacco, which is a shared love that brings us all together. To make this moment more special, our long time partners Cuervo y Sobrinos and Les Fines Lames each year deliver one-of-a-kind gifts to our Mareva Diamond Leaf Awards winners that represent an everlasting memory and are symbol of the gratitude and friendship that we have for them.
Best qualifier 2021 -CSWC Qatar - Felipe Rojas Bruna
Best qualifier 2019 -CSWC Lebanon - Woody &Najat
Last year the Mareva Diamond Leaf Award for the best Qualification event went to the Qatar Qualification tournament and the Award for the best CSWC Ambassador went to our dear friend from Italy – Gino Rossano Iannillo. Who will get the awards this year? Stay tooned to find out!
Best qualifier and CSWC Ambassador 2018 - CSWC Austria and Petteri Patjas with Marko Bilic and Ivan Mazuranic