The raking list of the best smokers after 12th years of the Cigar Smoking World Championship

The best of the best ones
The CSWC season 2022 has come to an end, and it is now officially over. It was a spectacular season that included Australia for the first time, making it truly global. New names have been raised, and the legends have proven that they are veterans of the CSWC, always ready to provide a tough race to all new stars. It was a season to remember all over.
The World Raking TOP 20 list OF ALL TIMES is a genuine celebration of CSWC history and the great achievements of these wonderful people that pushed limits and are still today creating new unimaginable achievements - CSWC Founder Marko Bilic

World Champion brought CSWC trophy to Poland

World Record still unbeatable- owned by Swedish Tiger
In this 12 years than tens of thousands of people participated in CSWC concept and there were coming from 52 countries. The WORLD RAKING LIST OF THE BEST 20 WORLD SMOKERS OF ALL TIME was compiled from all of the 12th years of CSWC history and all of the contestants from all of the nations.. More than decade of the CSWC has delivered amazing competitors, spectacular competitions and battles, great stories, cutting edge excitements, many broken records and some unimaginable smoking times on that mareva size competition cigar.

The Legend - Darren Cioffi 2nd position -USA

Oleg Pedan, Russia- 3rd position

Hauke Walter, Germany 4th position
As a result, season 2022 saw some significant changes to the global raking list.
Today, Poland is at the top of the world, with World Champion and Woman World Champion titles. It is also a significant achievement for Poland that, for the first time, one country ranked equally with Russia in the TOP 20 list of the best world smokers of all time in terms of number of positions - Poland 6 positions, Russia 6 positions.Sweden still holds the World Record for the longest time in history, held by Igor Kovacic. The United States made significant progress in the Top 20 list, with now two names above three hours of smoking - Darren Cioffy and newcomer Drew Emch "Silent hunter" from Apex cigar lounge, who maintained a big, huge fifth position, pushing behind some of the best World smokers of all time.In the ladies' division, Poland has complete dominance - World Record holder Agata Piotrowska remains unbeatable, and Women World Champion Kristina Ide, also from Poland, is the champion again. Elena Tronina, the 2019 Women World Champion, is also in the top 20 World raking List, and with that and three years in a row that Poland has provided Woman World champions, Poland is by far the Women CSWC global superpower.

Biggest suprise of the season 2022 - Drew Emch from USA - he took high 5th position on the list

Daniel Friedenthal keeping Austria on Raking

Dmitry Smirnov, great smoker from and new name on TOP 20 list of the best world smokers
One of the old school slow smokers finally hit the stage - Dmitry Smirnov from latvia (Riga Cigar Club). He is second biggest surprise of the season with big smoking time of almost three hours. he for the first time ever marked Latvian flag on the top 20 list of the best World Smokers of all time. Russian smokers lost domination regarding number of the positions and that honor now they share with polish smokers. Oleg Pedan, the legendary World Champion 2015, 2019, is the best-positioned Russian smoker .Then there's Germany with one spot (Hauke Walter is in fourth place), Austria keep one but great 8t position.

Henrik Keisstenson jump on the TOP 20 list of all times from 20th place to 15th place

Kristina Ide -Women World Champion

Agata Piotrowska Women Record Holder