CSWC global partners won prestigious Cigar Trophy awards
Kolja Kukuk, Christopher May, Rocky Patel and Marko Bilic celebrate Cigar Trophy for the best cigar - Honduras
The Cigar Trophy award, presented by Cigar Journal magazine, is the most prestigious award in the cigar industry, commonly referred to as the cigar "Oscar." For many years, Cigar Trophy night has gathered the crème de la crème of the cigar industry, the best of the best, the most influential people and companies who are making cigar history. Cigar Trophy is an honor and recognition for their dedication and efforts to keep the cigar industry one of the best industries in the world.
Thanks to Maricza Alvarenga and all the great family in Honduras. This Trophy for Best Brand Honduras is for their hard work and dedication to making the greatest quality cigars - Rocky Patel
Pierre Jourdan and Pablo Rodet from Les Fines Lames
Rocky Patel Number 6 - Best BRAND Honduras
Cigar Trophy Award honors several categories that are important in the cigar industry, including best brands and cigars from various countries, best accessories, best lounges, best ambassador, charity, and life time achievement. This year, CSWC official partners Rocky Patel and les Fines lames were nominated for the cigar Trophy in their respective categories, and both won: Les Fines lames for best Cigar accessories, and Rocky Patel for best Brand Honduras. Their passion, dedication, and hard work have paid off with this outstanding recognition that will be marked for cigar history.
Golden Le Petit Cigar Knife with Cigar Trophy which honors it's genius design and functionality