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Anastasia is continuing her series of amazing victories. Is she able to do it to the end?!

All photos Copyrighted by CIGARTIME.RU


Anastasia Arsenova with Dmitry Drutza, official CSWC Judge and Lev Baranov, president of Cigar Club "Horse Power"

She's incredible - that was the initial reaction of the Croatian competitors when they heard Anastasia's score from the Russian CSWC qualifying event, which took place just a few hours before the one in Croatia. And they are true - Anastasia Arsenova is amazing slow smoker - the best in Russia

Anastasia is generally the favorite since she is very motivated, well-trained, skilled, and competitive. She is one of the best players in the game, and I believe it is only a matter of time until she becomes World Champion, maybe even this year. She presents a genuine threat to Hauke Walter, one of the favorites to win the World Championship.- Marko Bilic, CSWC Founder


Vladimir, one of the best Russian smokers in his relax mood


Sergey Galevsky, the "Ring", in full action

For the CSWC qualifying Russia, all of the country's finest slow smokers gathered for the slowest race and greatest fight. Slow smokers from various places went to St. Petersburg to find out who would represent Russia in the Grand Finale. Except for Oleg Pedan, the current world champion who is suffering from flu, all of the big stars were present including famous Alexander Shagai, two times World Champion who was favorite this time.


For big times you need extreme smoke


Shagai, out of the game too early


Moscow slow smokers in action

The battle began, and the Russian finest began the slowest race. After 1 hour and 30 minutes, BOOM - a major surprise - Alexander Shagai is out. The fight is still going on, and all of the famous smokers are keeping a tight grip on their cigars. Anastasia is composed and in command. Time passed, and Vladimir Vorontsov finished third with a time of -2 hours and 25 minutes. Sergey, a previous Russian champion and an all-around wonderful man, finished second in 2 hours and 41 minutes. The winner was Anastasia Arsenova, who finished in 2 hours and 52 minutes. She broke the Russian Champions' St. Petersburg tradition, and as the first Russian Champion from Moscow, she will passionately defend the Russian flag in the Grand Final.Dear Anastasia, we wish to you perfect smoke on grand final.


Russian Champion in the slow smoking moment, walking on the edge of fire...

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